The Transcend Ski Goggles are the first ski goggles to have an integrated GPS system to help skiers navigate the slopes in a way that is more efficient and accurate. A company called Zeal Optics, which is aiming to change the technology that is involved in skiing, created the goggles. To create Transcend goggles, Zeal Optics collaborated with a company called Recon instruments to create the perfect pair of ski goggles.
The goggles have a direct-to-eye communications display that gives skiers a clear view of where they are going. The goggles can measure speed, altitude, temperature, and even keep track of the time. In addition to GPS capabilities, the goggles also feature a stopwatch and anti-fog control.
The goggles cost $350 for regular lenses and $450 for polarized lenses. The ski goggles wont be available until at least October 2010.