

Starter Customizes Start up Program to Speed up System Boot Time

While you may appreciate some programs that being configured to run automatically when your Windows start up, but too many of them running unnecessarily may affect your system boot up time and performance. Now with this tiny software utility named as Starter, users can selectively choose to disable certain start up programs temporarily, edit or delete them permanently depending on own preference.

Once download and execute the utility, it will bring you to a GUI that lists everything out in designated tabs either under ‘Startups’, ‘Processes’ or ‘Services’. users can view all the start up programs and select specific programs to be disabled, freeing up the process cycles needed to bring it up when we reboot our system. Under ‘Processes’ tab, Starter can serve a good process monitoring as an alternative to default Windows Task Manager that allows users to view all running programs in more details such as DLLs, thread count, priority and many more.

Consumed around 700kB of your hard disk space, Starter can be a very good software utility that enumerates some of the hidden registries with ability to customize start up program lists for more optimized system needed for daily operation. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista and free for download here for immediate use.