Happy iPhone 3G S day, boys and girls!
Do you see anyone you know standing in that line? Today is the day to pack up your toys, gadgets and snacks, and head out to Apple/AT&T/Rogers/Fido/Carphone Warehouse or wherever else if you didn’t order your iPhone online to be shipped. After all, it’s either lines today or a test of patience down the road. Be sure you are well prepared and are up to date on pricing and details on grabbing your iPhone; we wouldn’t want to see anyone turned away after spending an entire morning or afternoon (or both) braving the elements, wherever you are. After all the pics and updates we’ve given you, everything has finally culminated to this moment. Let us know what lines in your area are like — if there even are lines in your area — and how easy or difficult it was to leave the store with your shiny, new iPhone 3G S in hand!